วันจันทร์ที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555


Source of national heritage, the Thai alphabet, the best Loy Krathong celebration, firm foundation of Buddhism, fine Teen Jok cloth, ancient chinaware, holy Pho Khun (Ramkhamhaeng’s mother), dawn of happiness.

Founded in the 13th century, Sukhothai, which literally means “Dawn of Happiness”, was the first truly independent Thai Kingdom and enjoyed a golden age under King Ramkhamhaeng, who is credited with creating the Thai alphabet. The superb temples and monuments of this great city have been lovingly restored, and Sukhothai Historical Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a must-see for all travelers. Sukhothai became an independent kingdom when two princes-Pho Khun Pha Muang and Pho Khun Bang Klang Hao combined their forces and drove the Khmers out of Sukhothai, then a major frontier post of the Angkor Empire.One of Thailand’s finest warriors, King Ramkhamhaeng, second son of Pho Khun Bang Klang Haok, made Sukhothai a powerful and extensive kingdom that even established direct political relations with China. Returning from the funeral of Emperor Kublai Khan, King Ramkhamhaeng brought back Chinese artisans who taught the art of pottery to the Thais. While visitors are eager to pick up today’s Sangkhalok Pottery, antique examples of such are eagerly sought by collectors.King Ramkhamhaeng also promoted religion and culture, and through his efforts Buddhism flourished among the population. Inspirational faith gave birth to classic forms of Thai religious arts; images of the Lord Buddha sculptured during the Sukhothai Era are cultural treasures that impart a feeling of peace and serenity.A total of eight kings ruled Sukhothai but the gradual decline of Sukhothai occurred during the reigns of the last two kings. The end of this first Thai kingdom occurred in 1365 when it became a vassal state of Ayutthaya, a rising power to the south.

Sukhothai, which literally means “Dawn of Happiness”, may be the most romantic of all former Thai capital cities. The superb temples and monuments of this great city have been lovingly restored, and Sukhothai Historical Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a must-see for all travelers, particularly in the evening when the graceful Buddha images are illuminated by lights, while exploring the grassy, tree lined park via bicycle, or most spectacularly, during the Loy Krathong festival, when hundreds of candle-powered, floating lanterns are released into the sky. King Ramkhamhaeng, who reigned over Sukhothai’s golden age promoted religion and culture, and brought Chinese artisans back to the city to teach his people the art of pottery. Visitors can visit villages still engaged in the production of Sangkhalok Pottery as well as Hat Siao cloth, named for the village in Si Satchanalai district, just north of Sukhothai town. This famous hand-woven cloth is produced not far from Si Satchanalai Historical Park, where the ruins of another important historical city can be explored.

Key Tips
The Sukhothai Historical Park is open daily from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. though there are occasional nights the park is open and illuminated by floodlights.

Fish Museum

Operating day : Daily
Operating time : 09.00 - 17.00
Category : Museums
Attraction Details : Sangkhalok is the name of ceramic wares produced in the old city of Sukhothai. The museum displays the collection of Sangkhalok and ceramic wares produced some 700 years ago in the Lanna Kingdom (now the northern region of Thailand). The museum is just one kilometre from town on the road to Phitsanulok.It is open daily from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Admission is 100 baht for adults and 20 baht for children.

Sukhothai Historical Park or Old Sukhothai City

Operating day : Daily
Operating time : 06.00 - 21.00
Category : Historical Sites & Monuments, Educational museums, Beaches & Bay
Attraction Details : This is located in the Rama IV Park on the Sukhothai Phitsanulok route and can be reached by local bus from town. The museum displays a variety of fresh water fish mentioned in Thai literature. It is open daily except Tuesdays from 9 a.m. 5 p.m. There is no admission fee

The 70 square Kilometers of Sukothai Historical Park or “Muang Kao” (called locally) is full of the remains of the civilization that developed during the Sukothai era (founded 1238). Sukothai used to be the capital of Thailand, nowadays it is known as a popular tourists stop. Sukothai province was designated a World Heritage site in 1991.

Sukothai is an historical city closely linked to Sri Satchanalai; it is a city of beautiful and unique arts. Ruins of the royal palaces, Buddhist temples, Buddha sculptures, the city gates, walls, and other interesting remains of Thailand’s first kingdom can be seen.

The old city is rectangular 1,400 x 1,810 meters with four city gates and surrounded by three walls, separated by 20 meters of canal. Even though the Sukothai Historical Park is very big, the places inside are not very far apart.

Ramkhamhaeng National Museum
is a place that tourists should not miss. The museum displays basic knowledge about the Sukothai National Park and background information about the Sukothai kingdom. There are many antiques such as striking Sukothai sculpture, chinaware and statues. All of the remains show the prosperity of the Sukothai Kingdom. Most of the antiques were discovered during the restoration of Sukothai, others were recovered from nearby cities such as Srisatchanalai, Kampaengpetch, Petchaboon and Pijit.

The ancient remains in Sukothai Historical Park are divided into two groups; the remains in the inner city and those in the outer city. There are 126 sites in Sukothai some of them still in good condition and others are in complete ruins. Therefore, before going to Sukothai, visitors should study some basic information about the site in order not to miss any important places.

The inner city (Muang Chan Nai)
Here is the royal palace of the king and some fine temples. It is the heart of the city and is still used today.
The northern inner zone

In the northern part of the inner city, are many interesting places that are not as crowded as the inner city. There are plans that show where each attraction is situated. Many places such as Pra Ajana, Srichoom temple are well known to history lovers.

The southern outer zone
The interesting places in this area are Chaetupon temple and Chedi See Hong temple that are located opposite each other. Both temples have beautiful sculptures that are worth a visit.
The western outer zone
The attraction in this area is Sapan Hin temple.
The eastern outer zone
If you drive from Amphur Muang, you will arrive at this area before the inner city but when compared to other areas, this area is not as popular to visit.
Open daily from 8.30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
10 baht entrance fee for Thai people, 30 baht entrance fee for foreigners. These costs exclude the entrance fee for each place inside. However, there are also package tickets, 30 baht for Thai people and 150 baht for foreigners. Tourist information of Sukothai Historical Park, Tambol Muang Kao, Amphur Muang, Sukothai 64220 Tel: 0-5569-7627, 0-5569-7310

How to get there :
By Bus
From the provincial city of Sukhothai, take the local mini-bus or Song Thaeo near the police box, within Mueang Kao area. Get off at the park’s entrance. The bus leaves every 20 minutes.
By Other
Sukhothai Historical Park is located 12 kilometres from the provincial city, on Charotwithithong Road, along the Sukhothai - Tak route (Highway No. 12).

Ramkhamhaeng National Park (Khao Luang)

Operating day : Daily
Operating time : 08.30 - 17.00
Category : National Parks & Marine Reserves
Attraction Details : This exquisite national park with a combined natural and historical background covers an area of 341 square kilometres, and was declared to be a national park on October 27, 1980. High hills and steep cliffs some over 1,200 metres above sea level, together with fascinating falls, different species to plants and wildlife are some of the major attractions available in this park offered to nature loving tourists or visitors. Furthermore, the archaeological and historical sites with ancient remains and relics make the park even more attractive, especially for critics and theologians. To reach the park by road, take Highway No.1 from Bangkok, then at km.414 (20 kilometres to Sukhothai) take the left turn along the laterite road for another 16 kilometres till arriving at the parks office. For accommodation, reservations for bungalows and tents can be made through the National Park Section, the Royal Forest Department by Tel: 0 2562 0760 or P.O.Box 1 Amphoe Khiri Mat, Sukhothai 64160 www.dnp.go.th Visitors have to start trekking before 3.30 a.m. everyday and bring food and essential equipment with them. Bungalows and tents are available. Admission is 200 baht per person.
How to get there :
By Bus
From Amphoe Khiri Mat, hire a local mini-bus or Song Thaeo at the Khiri Mat junction. The prices range between 350 – 400 baht.
By Other
To get there: (By car) From Bangkok, take Highway No. 32, via Nakhon Sawan, and turn left onto Highway No. 1 to Kamphaeng Phet. Switch to Highway No. 101 for Amphoe Khiri Mat. About 20 kilometres before arriving in Sukhothai, at Km. 414, a mountain range

Sawankhaworanayok National Museum

Operating day : Daily
Operating time : 09.00 - 16.00
Category : Museums
Attraction Details : It is 38 kilometres from Sukhothai and 2 kilometres further on a road on the left. The museum was open in 1984, and features sculptural art from various periods; the most interesting being Sangkhalok crockery from the Sukhothai era and Sangkhlalok items retrieved from sunken vessels in the Gulf of Thailand. The museum is open daily except Mondays, Tuesdays, and public holidays, from 8.30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Admission is 30 baht per person. For more information, call 0 5564 1571, 0 5564 3166
How to get there :
By Other
approximately 38 kilometres from the provincial city of Sukhothai. Proceed left for another 1.6 kilometres.

Si Satchanalai Historical Park

Operating day :Daily
Operating time : 08.00 - 17.00
Category : Historical Sites & Monuments
Attraction Details : Si Satchanalai Historical Park is located on the bank of the Yom River. It is open daily between 8.30 a.m.-4.30 p.m. Admission is 40 baht.
How to get there :
By Other
located at Tambon Mueang Kao, a.k.a. Kaeng Luang, which is 11 kilometres off Amphoe Si Satchanalai towards Amphoe Sawankhalok or some 550 kilometres from Bangkok.

